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Kata kiai

Hello Thank you for all the tutorials and advices you are posting on the net they really helped me progressing in my practice. I have a question that certainly

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Any Ideas for Patreon Only Contents?

Hope you are having a great Sunday afternoon, evening or Monday morning!

I've been thinking about giving you one or two Patreon only content. Everyone is getting ad-free videos. I'm thinking about content for Perl membership or above.

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A Samurai Helping Santa!

This year, Santa asked a samurai to help him with gift delivery. This is the samurai's first time helping Santa so he hopped on Rudolph and carried all the gifts with him, not on a sleigh!

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[ Kendo Blog ] Improvement is a Spiral: Keep Climbing by Repeating and Refining

Improvement in anything we do is like climbing a spiral staircase. We keep going up, but we come across similar points again and again, just at a higher level. This idea is very much at the heart of Kendo, but it applies to everything in life. The saying from Yagyu of Shinkage-ryu.... [Read More]

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Santa Claus Getting Ready for His Journey

Now Thanksgiving is over, he is getting ready for his business. Keeping your mind peaceful is one thing you can do to avoid any mistakes! Way to go Santa!

The holiday card with this design is available at Zazzle. You can also download the design too. Ho, Ho, Ho!

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[ Kendo Blog ] Back from the Back Aggravation: CrossFit Training After One Month of Rest - 10.29.2023

One month ago, my back pains came back and since then I had not been to CrossFit. I was not confident enough to do any workouts and didn’t want to worsen it... Read More to Find Out What Happened

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[ Kendo Podcast ] Back from the Back Aggravation: CrossFit Training After One Month of Rest - 10.29.2023

Oh, my. One month of rest due to my back pain. It is going to be tough! This is a podcast version of the blog post, [ Kendo Blog: Back from the Back Aggravation: CrossFit Training After One Month of Rest - 10.29.2023 ].

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[ Kendo Podcast ] Jōdan/Nitō: When is the good time to learn?

In this Kendo Podcast, Hiro goes over his personal perspectives on when kendo practitioners can learn jodan/nito. Hope you like it.

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Jodan/Nito: When is the good time to learn?

This is one of the common questions frequently asked. And I am sharing some basic ideas about it in this blog.

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[ Kendo Podcast ] The Meaning of "Begin with Rei, End with Rei"

In this Kendo Podcast, Hiro goes over the topic Begin with Rei and End With Rei with his thoughts on the blog post. Hope you like it!

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Thank you for your service

I just wanted to show some respect to the veterans all over the world.

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Thank you!

I probably don't say enough of this. Thank you for your support, guys! Every month, thanks to your support, I can update this site and come up with the contents. I can purchase books, magazines and DVDs to improve my teaching style and also my kendo style.

Thank you for your constant support!

Hiro Imafuji

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Begin with Rei and End with Rei Beyond the Dojo

What do you think it means? Let’s make it easier so we can talk to our kids about it. Imagine starting your day with a friendly wave to your neighbor, and ending it with a warm hug to your family...[Read More]

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[ Kendo Podcast ] Proper Men Strike

🎧 New Kendo Podcast Episode Alert 🎧

In this episode, we dive into the importance of the proper men strike in Kendo. Discover how this technique embodies self-improvement, discipline, and perseverance. Tune in now! 💪 #KendoTraining #MartialArts #Podcast

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Proper Men Strike: The Essence of Kendo Training

How should we practice men strike so we can execute a beautiful yet powerful men stike? Your perfect strike may be closer than you think. #KendoGuide #PerfectYourStrike

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