I, myself, got in touch with IKF, itself. The answer is clear : NO 1st Kyu nor Dan examination in my country. NO examination can be held in my country and by my country, because my country is NOT a member of IKF. I'm from Madagascar.
So yeah...My question was answered by IKF.
Kendo-Guide.Com: Right. Your country cannot hold any exams but if an official delegation of International kendo Federation visits you and they agree to hold an official promotion exam, then there should not be a problem.
You should belong to your regional federation. There is South African Kendo Federation and European Kendo Federation near you. You should talk to them. If you belong to them, then you should be able to sit an exam. You cannot hold an exam but you can join their exam. Hope it makes sense.
Jun 10, 2015 Rating
answer found by: Anonymous
It's me again. I found some pieces of information about what I am wondering. Not exactly what has been said or written in this memorandum. But I found what I need to know :
IKF can, if they want to, perform a grading exam in non-affiliated country. According to what I find here (unless I misunderstand it through translation): (part: 中国で初の講習会と審査会が行われる)
My country belongs to European zone and EKF states strictly that they don't organize Kyu exam. It's up to each country to define how to do it. The habit is that Kyu is awarded by club teacher. But we don't have any qualified teacher.
About IKF : one day, maybe, a delegation will come.
About EKF : we need Kyu to get Dan, but to get Kyu, we need Dan. It's a catch 22.
This case can be marked as resolved.
Kendo-Guide.Com: Yes, they did organize a promotion exam at the seminar by All Japan Kendo Federation. You read it right. Remember that is an official seminar in a non-affiliated country. So if you have a seminar around your country or in your country, they might have a promotion exam for kyu graders as well.
This is a very common issue and I know people travel to a country when there is a promotion exam. I think as long as you belong to EKF, then if you go to a promotion exam hosted by them, you should be able to sit their exam. You should ask the federation though.
Good luck!
Jun 06, 2015 Rating
post needs some edit by: Anonymous
It looks like two different questions and their answers have been merged.
Anyway, thanks for your help.
Kendo-Guide.Com: Good to be a help and thanks for pointing that out!
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