Comments for Do You Have to Wear Keikogi and Hakama from the Start or Not?

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Oct 01, 2017
In reply to Odin
by: Kendo-Guide.Com

Thank you for sharing.
Maybe your dojo has their own reasoning.
I just shared what I do so it doesn't mean it is the best way.

So you should talk to your dojo owner what you think and if they agree or they think it is OK for your son to wear keikogi and hakama, your son is all good to go, right?

My personal experience is that people tend to quit when they buy keikogi and hakama or when they buy a set of bogu.

I kind of guess why they quit but I never know for sure.

Anyway, I hope your son will continue kendo and one day we will meet!

Sep 17, 2017
by: Odin

In the dojo of my son i guess is the reverse, he can not use the keikogi and hakama, until they authorise him use it, in stead of that he use whatever, could be even hip .hop clothes...thats why i did this me looks amazing some rules some teachers do, against the true roots in the way of kendo....since first should be the spirituality and in second the technic , nothing better for a kid get more connected to the ay of kendo then start by the spirituality and that should be also using what is the tradition, spirituality, etiquette. 感謝

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