what is the use of Hiraki ashi foot work in Kendo ?

by Masoud Zakeri
(Tehran - Iran)

I want to know when we use Hiraki ashi foot work in Kendo ?

Is Hiraki ashi foot work using for attack or for defense ? What kind of strike we use when we are doing Hiraki ashi?

Answer: Thank you for your question. I have a great video for you. You can watch the video for a reason why we have Hiraki-ashi. So I will tell you what we can do with that.
In kendo, we all know that we don’t really learn how to defend or block ourselves. Instead, we learn ōji waza, counterattacks.

And Hiraki ashi are used in counterattacks a lot, especially in kaeshi waza such as men kaeshi dō, men kaeshi men and so forth. The advanced execute katate (one handed) men with Hiraki-ashi too.

Like you see in the video, you can execute a men strike from tsubazeri using Hiraki-ashi.

Hope this helps.

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