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May 16, 2012
If money is an issue...
by: Cailin Coilleach

If the issue at hand is money, please keep in mind that most dojo do not require beginners to immediately spend a lot of money! Many even prefer that you don't.

For beginners it's enough to show up in comfortable sports clothing. Most dojo have shinai that you can borrow. Only once you've progressed through a few weeks or months of training will you need to buy a uniform, which doesn't have to cost more than $100.

Once you're ready for bogu, again, many dojo offer loaner gear.

Kendo-Guide.Com: Thank you for your comment. It is very true that beginners do not have to pay a lot at the beginning.

I usually do not have beginners put their men on when they are ready to put their amour on. They would train a full set of bogu but without their men. This way, they will get used to their bogu, especially kote.

The reason is simple. Kote and men are the ones that mess up beginners' movements.

Personally I do not recommend loaning a bogu or buying off a used one since they've already had been shaped into the previous owner's habits.

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