Comments for RESPONSE to Podcast #207: Overcome Pandemic Fatigue with Kendo Mentality

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Dec 15, 2020
Bushido and masks
by: Bill

I want to clarify one piece of misinformation here. Masks do protect you to a degree from getting the virus, however the primary reason we wear them is to not pass it on to others if we ourselves are infected and either asymptomatic or presymptomatic. You wear a mask not to protect yourself, but to protect others.

I agree one should examine one's motivations. However, not wearing a mask simply because there is no law enforcing it has nothing to do with failing to uphold bushido. If you understand the pandemic and understand the purpose of masks, then refusing to wear one is actually quite selfish and dangerous to others in your community. I would argue THAT violates bushido. Bushido calls on us to be a source of strength and protection for our communities, not harm them unnecessarily.

And while we should not fear death we are also instructed that it is equally bad to die a stupid death.

Nov 29, 2020
In reply to Gary Moulder
by: Kendo-Guide.Com

Thank you, Gary, for sharing your thoughts. You are right about my intention of the podcast. But I need to be clearer about what I share in the podcast. Thank you!

Nov 29, 2020
Endeavor to persevere
by: Gary Moulder

I believe courage is manifested in meeting the challenges of change with strength, patience and wisdom. Is this not the key to Kendo? I felt Imafugi Sensei's appeal was that we continue to practice diligently in the face of the difficult circumstances of that practice. Virtuous perseverance is achieved by the application of wisdom and self control. That requirements of local authority were reduced are merely an opportunity to practice the self-governance that is a hallmark of the enlightened citizen.

Nov 28, 2020
In reply to Tadakatsu
by: Kendo-Guide.Com

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I would like to share my view on fear in another podcast!

I am sharing my idea of kendo mentality about getting over the pandemic fatigue at the end. So wearing and not wearing is not really my point. To keep the virus from spreading and kill other people, we should wear a mask.

Thank you again for sharing. It was very interesting to know a different perspective on "fearless".

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