How do you send the ebook?

How do you send the ebook?

How do you send the ebook? Do you send it to the email address supplied or to the computer that was used to donate $7?

Kendo-Guide.Com: Thank you for your enquiry. Here is how your will get the Kendo Guide for Beginners ebook.

1. Download a sample ebook.
2. If you like the context, you make a donation of US$7.00.
3. An activation key will be sent to you at email address you gave me.
4. Enter the activation key in the sample ebook.

If you want to print out your full version, you want to activate the ebook in your computer that is hooked up with a printer. Since this ebook is designed to prevent it from being passed around between computers, you cannot send a copy of the ebook from your work computer to home computer, for example.

I am sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Thank you,

Hiro Imafuji

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