Great to hear that you are back! Just take it easy. Stay at 80% for a while and then try 100% when you feel really confident.
Thanks for your kind words. I really am happy that you like my podcasts and videos. Your words made my day :)
Mar 08, 2019 Rating
Back to training! by: Juan Pablo
Hi Sensei,
Last monday I finally made my first attempt at training after the surgery, everything went well besides I was all the time worried about every movement. Scary and exciting day! On Wednesday I made my second try and it was much better, less stressful and smoother.
Still a long way to being 100%, but I was able to complete the full training, including jigeiko! No seiza or haya suburi yet, but I think all will come with time.
Thank you again for your support, and for the podcasts and videos, which were part of my "training" in these last few months.
Oct 16, 2018 Rating
In Reply to Juan Pablo by: Kendo-Guide.Com
Great to hear that you're coming back!
And it is great that you kept in touch with the club and supported it. Way to go, man!
And I agree with not tearing ACL!
Oct 14, 2018 Rating
Coming back by: Juan Pablo
Hi Sensei! Just back here because I finally had my ACL reconstruction around 6 weeks ago. Everything went very well according to the doctors and I'm working hard in rehabilitation.
It's not easy, ups and downs, so I remembered about this post and wanted to read again the comments and wise advice.
The best part is, each day is one day less until I get back in the dojo!
By the way, during this period I kept in touch with the club as a photographer in some events, I renovated the club's website, got more involved in every sense than when I was I guess everything has a positive side.
Anyway, my advice after all is: DON'T TEAR YOUR ACL!! ;)
Thanks for your support, JP
Jan 10, 2018 Rating
In reply to Juan Pablo by: Kendo-Guide.Com
Juan, you sound better now. I am glad that you are facing the fact and thinking positively. Keep it up and yes I will whip your butt when you need :) Good luck!!
Jan 06, 2018 Rating
Thanks!! by: Juan Pablo
Thank you all for your comments!
Sensei: Your medical record is quite a thing! I cannot complain, it's my first serious injury. Thanks for the advices and for understanding my desperation so quickly. Now after a few days, I've talked to some people, read some experiences and I know I just have to stay strong and positive. Your experience is an example for me and I'll keep it in mind to get back stronger as soon as my body allows. I'm almost sure I'll keep coming back here for advice, but I'll keep the butt whipping for me, if you don't mind ;)
Anonymous: Thanks for your words, the idea of not losing the focus on the main goal will also be with me during the recovery process. Probably in the next 2 months I can still do kata training, and suburi, I'll see what I can still do. Upper body and mental training...
Tristan: Both Achilles at the same time?? that's really tough!! Can't imagine the pain...At the first moment, I thought I should quite the club for this year. After the worst moment passed I realised I can do exactly what you said, stay in touch, do mitori geiko, take photos. Didn't think of the notepad though, I'll add that to the backpack...Thanks for the support.
Nick: I have a full tear of the ACL, so I don't think I can escape surgery. I've visited one of the top specialists in knee injuries in Barcelona. He told me first I should build up muscle around the knee, make it strong again and see him again in 2 months. I'm almost sure the next step will be surgery and it will be better for the recovery to have a stronger leg/knee. The exercises are simply sitting on the table and lifting the leg with a 1 kg weight striped at the ankle, and the same exercise but lying on the bed facing down, bending the knee upwards with the small weight. Right now I don't have difficulties walking, almost no pain or unstability fortunately. Thanks a lot for your professional advice!!
Jan 05, 2018 Rating
From my exp. by: Anonymous
I have had to learn to walk again from my past knee injury. Although I was not doing kendo at the time I was boxing for over 6 years.
While I was unable to walk or use foot movements, I focused on my hand movements. The psychological part was the most difficult for me, and I am sure for you too.
Keep your head thinking about what you want. Remember why it is important to heal, and keep that goal waiting for you.
You can still practice your wrist movements, and your arms, you are not completely out of the game.
Better to heal correctly and wait a few months, than to make it worse and never be able to do kendo again.
Stay strong, you are not out of the fight.
Jan 05, 2018 Rating
Long term recovery plan. by: Tristan
Ive got a friend who broke both Achilles at the same time. 8 months of rehab and recovery before he could return to Kendo. I believe he was 3rd Dan when it happened.
He has recently achieved 5th Dan. During his recovery period he still was involved in helping at the dojo with whatever he could. He took every opportunity for mitori keiko and continued to coach beginners with whatever elements he could.
So there are ways to stay involved and to keep your mind in kendo. It will be tough but also quite beneficial in certain ways if you can commit to a plan.
Take a note pad with you to the dojo when you can and make notes and sketches and listen and observe carefully how the seniors are coaching the group and how they are demonstrating important points.
It can pay you back heavily one day we seldom stop to look in Kendo. So this is a rare opportunity.
All the best for your recovery. Be patient. Stick with it.
Jan 04, 2018 Rating
Research by: Anonymous
Hi Juan,
Sorry to hear about your situation! I'd like to comment coming from a medical background (Osteopath) if that's ok?
First thing I'd like to say is that one of the stories I've heard about the birth of Physiotherapy was during the 2nd world war they wanted to get the men who'd injured their knees back on the field. A high ranking person who was also a body builder asked if he can train the men. He had them back on the field after I believe 3-6 months of strength training.
Second, although your post does not mention the degree of tear, i.e. partial of full, I'd like to suggest to you that it's best to begin with basic strength training and balance exercises. Then progress into higher level balance retraining, including sport-specific i.e. Kendo agility and functional enhancement.
The best person to seek advice from will be a sports physiotherapist.
However, you may already have such good advice and as you say, your looking for Kendoka who have had similar injuries on their experience.
All I can say here is that Performing low-level, i.e. beginner strength exercsies and balance will be the fastest way to full stability. What I mean by that is if your exercises are too complex, i.e. sport specific like Kendo, then you'll likely delay your healing due to too much strain on a now unstable knee. Start slowly, i.e. laying on your back exercises where there is no body weight on your knee, then progress to weight bearing. My disclaimer here is please see a sports Physio.
To give you an idea about beginner level exercises you can click this link below.
All the best, and don't forget that Musashi was said to be forced to read Buddhist books locked in a small area. Maybe its time for you to take a forced break like Musashi and read, read, read :) plus exercise :)
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