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Jun 17, 2016
In reply to Mr. Hulme
by: Kendo-Guide.Com

Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I understand how hard it is.

Let's take a good care of ourselves and keep doing kendo as long as we can!

Jun 17, 2016
Back pain and Kendo.
by: Keith

I agree with sensei.

Check with your doctor for sure, but it will still be you who decides how much is enough.

I have a severe lower back condition from my army service, from a piece of metal tearing the sacro chord, and now that I'm 68 years old, it usually doesn't get better!

I re-started my Kendo after 28 years and my back has never been better. Still have off days for sure, but the continuing exercise, combined with Zen technique works for me, and friends of mine who have joined my training twice a week.

The key is when it starts to hurt, you have done enough for that session.

Rgds, Keith Hulme, Australia.

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